You were promised more information.
Here it is.
Launching a boat:
Paddle/row and trailerable boats can easily launch from Colwell Boat Ramp behind the Isle au Haut Boat Services on Seabreeze Avenue in Stonington. There's free overnight trailer/public parking 5 minutes' walk away at the ballfield across from the old school house (up the hill from the Opera House). Another option is to launch from Old Quarry Ocean Adventures.
What to bring:
Yourself and everything you'll need to be comfortable and stay safe, including food and water. Anne will be anchoring for an extra day on each side, hopefully. Plan to arrive a day early or a day late... Let's hang out and recreate.
Hiring a boat:
It's possible to hire a skiff or water taxi to get out to the island. Old Quarry has a water taxi and we may be able to get someone with a skiff to do runs. More on that soon.
Getting in Touch:
Anne will be monitoring VHF 16 and 69. Her number is 603.781.2864, though most likely, it won't be possible to get in touch by phone.
IDLE QUEEN, Barry Antel
NORNA, Kourtney Patterson and Pete Grundvig
BLUE HIGHWAY, Russ Frazer and Lynne Howard Frazer
NARWHAL, Megan and crew
MOLLY B or ELUSIVE, Luke Baird
PERELANDRA, Paul Calder, Sonya, dogs oh god so many dogs, and crew